G'day mate

Thanks for popping by THE AUSSIE MAKE


I'm Mick, how the bloody hell are ya mate. Check out me ripper site where tech gets a fair crack of an Aussie twist.

What's here to have a gander at

  • Tech Videos: Tune in for top-notch vids where I yak about the latest in tech, from gizmos to gadgets.
  • Tech Blogs: Fair dinkum blogs that'll keep you in the loop with all the tech news and updates.
  • Video Tutorials: Strewth! Learn the ropes with my video tutorials that'll have you tinkering in no time.
  • Blog Tutorial: Prefer a good read? My tutorial blogs are just the ticket for guides and tips.
  • Make Stuff: Getting me hands dirty while knocking together a few projects and some bloody cool DIY.
  • Software: Having an eyeball at some cool software and banging out some code.
  • Home Tech: Turn your joint into a smart haven with my ripper tips and tutorials on home automation bits and bobs.
  • Web Store: Holy smoke! Suss out the web store, chockers with cool stuff I make, tech gadgets, and other clobber.

Crikey! ya better grab a cuppa, have a squiz around, and let's get into some bonza tech adventures together!


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